Samhain is a time to remember those who have passed on, celebrate the Summer's end, and prepare for Winter months ahead. It represents a time when the veil separating the human and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest.
Join us for this turn of the wheel, as we will have vendors, presenters, classes and crafts. Meals, entertainment, and the joy of being with our community each day and night. Nashville will be presenting their Haunted Trail, and we are sure it will be Spook-tacular. Please feel free to bring trick-or-treating items to hand out as we fully encourage everyone to dress up and the kids to run around and enjoy a little trick-or-treating! More information about classes and other items will be posted as time gets closer to the event and we finalize the schedule.
Tickets for the weekend are $30 per person ($25 for members, $45 for vendors) and 1¢ per child under 18 years of age (as this helps us with an overall headcount as children eat free). The ticket price includes camping and materials for all classes, ritual, and activities for the weekend. These prices are for pre-purchase only and are NOT available for refunds. Ala Carte meals may be purchased if extra food is available. These prices are subject to change when links are posted.
A meal plan for the whole weekend will be available for $45 per person (this includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, along with breakfast on Sunday). Ala Carte may be available, please reach out to us for prices. Water is always available at no cost.
Friday Evening will be a potluck, as many will be coming in at different times and setting up camp. Please keep in mind that there are many food allergies in our community, so we ask that you label everything that is in your dish.
This is primitive camping, so please pack and dress accordingly. There is well water, porta potties, sinks, and solar powered showers available for use. Property rules can be viewed on our website ( ), and a paper copy can be provided at check-in. Please be sure to bring a valid photo ID when checking in. If you have any additional questions, have food allergies, or any other special needs, please email Lorelei at
This will be the beginning of Blue Fairy's facilitation of 8 Sabbat's.
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